Export to Matlab/ascii on demo disabled? :(

edited December 1969 in SignalScope
It's a shame that export in Faber's is disabled, as there is no way of demonstrating to those powers that be that think that OS X is dead, as a platform for serious (audio) engineering.

Displaying nice Apple Quartz graphics is one thing, but being able to process the results by the scientists here with their copies of Matlab and Excel is another. This may sound like a lame excuse in avoiding purchasing copies of the software- it is not. It is because here, in cold wet England, it is still Windows XP that is king, and Mac's are for the ladies (which we all know is complete bol****s). That means, I have to purchase any Mac software before the company I work for, will touch it.


  • WAT,

    Export is indeed disabled in the demo.

    Please use the "Contact Us" link (at the bottom of any page on FaberAcoustical.com) to request a time-limited serial number for full evaluation of the software.

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