zooming on spectral plot

edited August 2008 in SignalScope
Hi.  Thanks for the useful application.

One thought for improvement: on the spectral window, make a button or tap for activating/deactivating the cursor and allow drag, and pinch to zoom in and out instead of using scroll bars (get rid of scroll bars and make more room for the plot).  I can almost never get the scrollbar to grab and if the cursor function could be toggled, they could be removed, or at least wouldn't be needed.  You could even make a double tap switch the mode instead of making full view since zooming out with fingers is easy.

Best Regards,


  • Thanks for the feedback, Elliott.

    You don't need to use the scroll bars at all.  You zoom in/out and or pan around the zoomed plot with two-finger gestures.

    The space occupied by the scroll bars was unoccupied before there were scroll bars (to accommodate axis labels), so the scroll bars are a bonus, even if they are a bit tricky to work with.  If nothing else, the scroll bars provide information about which part of the plot you are looking at, as well as the amount of zoom.

    We may add an option to turn off the cursor with a double tap, before resetting the zoom with another double tap.

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