interpolated fast Fourier transform

edited December 1969 in SignalScope
First let me say that SignalScope for the iPhone is very good.  It is also well timed for me as our Church has horrible acoustics and I have the challenge of fixing it. 

Several Questions;

* I am having difficulty manipulating the trigger options.  A short tutorial would help.
* In the Spectrum Options - Data window, there are 7 options.  I am not a mathematician so could you elaborate on which interpolated fast Fourier transform is appropriate for different tasks
* I am also having difficulty manipulating the time scale in the Waveform mode.


  • Glenn,

    Thank you for your compliments.
    I am having difficulty manipulating the trigger options.
    We do plan to add a reference section to the SignalScope Help. What would you like to accomplish with triggering?
    In the Spectrum Options - Data window, there are 7 options.
    You may want to look at this post.
    I am also having difficulty manipulating the time scale in the Waveform mode.
    We do plan to make this easier.


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