Listening to audio in real time while analyzing...

edited December 1969 in SignalScope Pro
I've not had a chance to play with SSP 2.0 much and I'm sure this is something I'm missing on the surface but, I can't seem to find a way to listen in real time through my MacBook Pro while running SSP.

I've been able to capture the audio source and then playback, but not listen in real time. The work around I'm using is to run Quicktime Pro with SSP but I'm thinking/hoping there is a better way.

Jeff :?


  • Jeff,

    SignalScope Pro does not pass input signals directly back to the outputs, so another approach will be necessary.  If you are working with a pro audio interface, you can typically route input channels to output channels or to the headphone jack within the device itself.  If you need to route signals through your Mac, you might want to check out AULab which is included (free) with Apple's developer tools (which typically come with every copy of Mac OS X).  AULab is a surprisingly powerful audio mixing, routing, and processing application.

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