File management


Does anyone know if it’s possible to batch export results files? I’ve been out on site all day measuring impulse responses, RTs and Oct band levels and have several dozen files saved on my iPad.

I’m going to be doing post analysis tomorrow and only seem to be able to share one file at a time with my desktop, which is pretty laborious!

Thanks in advance



  • Hi Apopp,

    If your files are on an iPad or iPhone, then you should be able to find them in the built-in Files app. In the Files app, go to Browse and then under Locations select On My iPhone. There, you'll find a list of apps, including whichever version of SignalScope you're using (including SignalScope X or any 2020 or later perpetual license version). At that point, you can move or copy the files and/or folders in various ways, including AirDrop to a Mac or copying them to your iCloud Drive.

    If you're using a Mac with a recent version of macOS (Catalina or later), you can connect your iPad or iPhone to the Mac and then download the files directly from the Finder.

    If you're running an older version of macOS or SignalScope, then you can still use iTunes File Sharing or SignalScope's built-in web server to transfer your files (although the webserver still requires downloading a single file at a time, it can be done fairly quickly).


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