How do I analyze the data in a sound file?

edited July 2008 in SignalScope/Pro FAQ
How do I analyze the data in a sound file?

SignalScope Pro 2
SignalScope Pro now includes a built-in signal generator with support for generator Audio Units. Mac OS X ships with a generator unit called AUAudioFilePlayer. If that Audio Unit is used to play back a sound file, then you can analyze the data in the file directly by selecting the same output channels in an analyzer as those used by the Signal Generator tool.

SignalScope 1.x/2.x, SignalScope Pro 1.x
There are several ways to accomplish this.  In either case the sound file will need to be played back from another application (iTunes, for example).

First option:  Use a cable to connect the audio output directly to the audio input on your Mac (or whatever audio I/O device you are using).

Second option:  Use <a href="">Soundflower</a&gt; to route the output of the player application directly to SignalScope.  Soundflower mimics a hardware audio device and it will appear in the device list, just like any other audio device.  Check out the <a href=",23.0.html">tutorial</a>.

Third option:  Use Jack (<a href=""></a>) to route the output of
the player application directly to SignalScope.  SignalScope can see Jack the same way it sees any audio input device. Check out the <a href=",5.0.html">tutorial</a>.
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