oscilloscope triggering

edited December 1969 in SignalScope Pro
In SS pro2, is there any way to have both traces trigger from one or the other input, like you can on a real oscilloscope? I'm trying to demonstrate phase cancellation for an acoustics class with two sine waves of almost identical f fed separately to each channel, I want to trigger both from one so that the one stands still while the other migrates left or right depending on its relative f. Years ago I used to do this with a real scope, but it appears as though though SS triggering only works on a per-channel basis. If not in Pro 2, how about in Pro 3?


  • Paul,
    In SS pro2, is there any way to have both traces trigger from one or the other input, like you can on a real oscilloscope?
    Sure. In the triggering tab, select the same source for both input channels.

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