External input devices cannot be selected even with iOS 16.1

I'm investigating the use of SignalScope X Pro for two-channel FFT transmissibility measurements with iPhone (11 pro). However, I'm running into an issue where the external sound devices connected with USB3.0 adapter cannot be selected as input device.
I have tried with RME Babyface Pro FS and Zoom H5 as comparison. Both devices are listed correctly in the input device list with the internal microphone and accelerometer.
However, when tapping the external device, it is not selected and channel setups also reflect only the internal microphone being active.

I have updated to iOS 16.1.1 and also reinstalled the app with no change in the outcome.

Any help would be appreciated as I'm burning the trial period for exploring the suitability of the application for actual use.


  • Hi jpatynen,
    I'm sorry the input device selection isn't working for you. Hopefully, we can get you to a solution, quickly.
    The problem you have described is slightly different than what we have seen in our own testing of iOS 16/16.1.
    Are you using the Apple-branded Lightning to USB 3 camera adapter? We have had issues with third party adapters.
    Do you have any Bluetooth devices connected to your iPhone? Some Bluetooth devices, e.g. hearing aids, can interfere with other audio operations on iOS (though this is typically related to sample rate).
    Do you have any other audio apps running on your iPhone?

  • Thank you for the tip. I disabled both WiFi and Bluetooth connections from the phone, and at least Zoom USB device could then be selected.

    Furthermore, I would like to ask some detailed questions:
    -When using dual FFT with triggering, is there any way to tell when the measurement has bee triggered? With measurement duration of several seconds, there seems to be no feedback of successful triggering until the measurement has been completed.
    -I haven't found any settings to see the oscilloscope continuously. The curve seems to be hidden for 50% of the time regardless of the horizontal scale/div. Also, it would be nice to have a "rolling" view of the time-domain signal.

  • I'm glad you're now able to select the Zoom device. I strongly suspect it had something to do with disabling Bluetooth connections. I don't expect disabling WiFi to make any difference.

    -When using dual FFT with triggering, is there any way to tell when the measurement has bee triggered? With measurement duration of several seconds, there seems to be no feedback of successful triggering until the measurement has been completed.

    The continuation or completion of the measurement is currently the only indication of triggering. I see how that could be a concern with a long measurement (using a very fine frequency resolution). I've added this to the feature request list.

    -I haven't found any settings to see the oscilloscope continuously. The curve seems to be hidden for 50% of the time regardless of the horizontal scale/div. Also, it would be nice to have a "rolling" view of the time-domain signal.

    The current oscilloscope behavior is to display a portion of the currently captured data. This provides time to manually stop on a current measurement before the next display sweep begins. When the measurement is stopped, all the current data can be viewed by dragging a single finger across the time axis label region to adjust the time offset (which portion of the data is visible). This yields a kind of pre-capture behavior. (You can double tap in the same area to reset the time offset.)
    I understand that different oscilloscope behavior(s) may be desirable, so your suggestions are welcome. Your request for a rolling view option has been noted.

  • Thank you for the detailed commenting. I'll look forward seeing the helpful features introduced in future releases.

    I demonstrated the application and multi-channel mobile measurements to my colleagues, and they were deeply interested in all the possibilities SignalScope could open!

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