DIY I/O Dock Connector

edited January 2010 in SignalSuite
Hi all !

Is it possible to ake a DIY I/O Dock Connector To don't have to buy a extra device ?

perhaps they re some things to do ?

How do to be this connector reconized by the software ?

are they some electronicians here ?


  • To develop accessories for the iPhone/iPod dock connector, please join Apple's Made for iPod program. Apple can then provide you with all the official specifications and documentation that you need.
  • All right but it's only for company
  • I am currently working on one myself. Apple will only let you sign up for the made for iphone program if you are a company. There Are several things that need to be done to get signals into the iphone. One involves a proprietary application serial protocol where the iphone is told that it is supposed to input from the 30-pin connector's R and L stereo input. Getting signals out is easier, and is accomplished by putting a resistor across two pins on the dock connector.
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