Capturing high resolution data causes MacBook to crash

edited December 1969 in SignalScope Pro
I just purchased Signal Scope Pro and have used it to perform some acoustic measurements.  Everything works fine if I have the FFT size set to 512 and the sampling rate set to 44.1kHz.  When I set the FFT size any higher, my MacBook (orignial 2GHz white) crashes when I try to "save data".

It creates the file, but doesn't save any of the data.  At 512, it saves the data with no problems.


  • Are you running Tiger (10.4) or Leopard (10.5) on your MacBook?

    How are the Guardbanding and Digital Anti-alias Filtering options set (in Preferences)?


  • Please try deleting your preferences file (~/Library/Preferences/com.faberacoustical.signalscopepro.plist). That appears to have solved a similar (perhaps identical) problem on a MacBook Pro.


  • I tried your suggestion of deleting the preference file and it seems to have worked.  It still crashes if I try to overwrite a previously saved data file, but if it's a unique file name, it saves no problem.

  • Also for your reference, I am running OSX 10.5.1.  And I had the Guardbanding turned off.

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